Concave plasmolysis is a reversible process and it can be revised by placing the cell in a hypotonic solution which helps calls to regain the water back into the cell. Hypotonic solutions have low osmotic pressure. Osmosis Effects In Plant Cells Cell Wall Plant Cell Animal Cell In nonwoody plants turgor pressure supports the plant. . If it is a solid material it is called phagocytosis cell eating b. A plant cell undergoes plasmolysis in a hypertonic solution. Plasmolysis occurs due to. The effects of isotonic hypotonic and hypertonic extracellular environments on plant and animal cells is the same. Cell membrane invaginates along with the material. The cell on the far right represents a turgid plant cell in a hypotonic solution. A hypertonic solution is a solution having a higher osmotic pressure when compared to other solutions. Examples of plant movements include roots growing downward stomata opening an...